IITH Pavement Test Track


cURRENT facilities 

120 kN Vehicle Mounted Falling Weight Deflectometer 

150kN Universal Tensile Testing Machine for Geosynthetics


150 kN load capacity
Laser extensometer
A set of capstan grips for geotextiles
A set of hydraulic wide-width grips
Compression plates

Large-scale Permeameter for Geosynthetics 

The Geotextile Permeameter is designed to meet the test requirements of water permeablity of Geotextiles and composites as per ASTM D 4491.

Asphalt Fatigue Testing Machine

A 25 kN Electro-mechanical fatige testing machine with an environmental chamber to test the asphlat beams with and without geosynthetic interlayers.

Narrow Backfills Test Facility

A highly customised test set up to estimate the earth pressures in a narrow backfill.

12000 kN 
Compression Testing Machine

Bed size for testing – 1 m x 1 m 
Day light area – 2 m 
Cross head movement – 1 m 
Supporting four post system – 250 mm diameter 
Hydraulic power pack system – 50 H.P + 3H.P MOTOR 
Digital data acquisition system